Chapped Lips Be Gone

I have chronic chapped lips.  And no matter what I tried, nothing seemed to be helping.  Some chapsticks would just coat my lips with a greasy feel, and some would tug on my lips providing them with a hard waxy coating that led them feeling worse than when I started!  Usually chapsticks make you feel the need to constantly apply (which is great for business) but doesn't really fix the problem.

Lets rewind to a few years ago.  I was in Macy's trying out some makeup products.  The girl at the counter was asking my what I wanted done to my eyes, and when she asked me about my lips I said, "No thanks I don't wear lips are always so chapped."

She immediately grabbed a product and said, "Here try this!"  She applied it to my lips while she finished my eyes.  And by the time the makeup application was done, my lips were completely transformed.

"What was that!  I need to know!" I eagerly asked her.

"It's called Sugar, by Fresh," she told me.  And since then, I was hooked.  This is the kind of product that I always have in matter what.  

Coming in at $24.00 a tube, this is the kind of chapstick where I am going to say...what you pay for is what you get.  This is not like your conventional chapstick.  Sugar  actually brands itself as a lip treatment, and is fortified with vitamins A, C, and E.  It is "proven to keep lips moisturized for 6 hours!"  They use sugar as a main ingredient which is a natural humectant known to prevent moisture loss.

An added bonus, Sugar has an SPF of 15 in it, and as we all know...SPF is extremely important no matter the season.

So ladies (and gents) don't let chapped lips be a concern of yours any longer.  With sugar in the midst, chapped lips will become a thing of the past.

<3 P.S. Sugar now comes in a plethora of different colors, so you can combine a lip treatment with a nice hue to make your lips not only feel amazing, but look amazing as well!