Caramel Cashew Thumbprints

Prep Time: 45 minutes  Start to Finish: 1 hour

Makes: 3 dozen cookies  Calories per Cookie: 50

I love trying out new cookies.  So I was super excited when Betty Crocker's Caramel Cashew Thumbprints came up on the list of things to bake.  Thumbprint cookies are fun, easy, and usually delicious.  These definitely hit all three of those marks on the head.

First let me say, the cookie dough itself is sooo good.  I know, I know...raw egg in the batter, don't eat it.  But I can never help myself from trying just a little.  And let me say that it was well worth it.

Caramel Cashew Dough.jpg

The batter whips up quickly, and the process of making the cookies is simple.  The recipe says it makes 5 dozen cookies, but in actuality my run only made 3 dozen.  Maybe I made them too big? Either way they seem like the perfect size to me.  Make them as big or as tiny as you'd like.  The end result will be cookie greatness; large or small.

 These cookies are the perfect combination of sweet and salty.  They melt in your mouth and are the perfect mid-day snack...or dessert!



Caramel Cashew Batter.jpg
  • 3/4 cup butter, softened
  • 3/4 cup powdered sugar
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla
  • 1  egg
  • 2 cups all-purpose flour
  • 1/4 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1/3 cup finely chopped cashews
  • 15 milk chocolate squares with caramel filling, unwrapped, cut into quarters
  • Additional chopped cashews, if desired


  1. Heat oven to 375 degrees.  In large bowl, beat butter and powdered sugar with electric mixer on low speed until mixed; beat on medium speed until creamy.  Add vanilla and egg; beat until mixed, scraping bowl if necessary.  On low speed, beat in flour, baking powder and salt until dough forms.  Stir in cashews.
  2. Shape dough into 1-inch balls.  On uncreased cookie sheets, place balls 2 inches apart.  Press thumb into center of each cookie to make indentation, but do not press all the way to cookie sheet.
  3. Bake 7 to 9 minutes or until edges start to brown.  Quickly remake indentation with end of wooden spoon handle if necessary.  Remove from cookie sheets to cooling racks.
  4. Place 1 chocolate candy quarter in thumbprint of each warm cookie.  Let stand 3 minutes to melt; with tip of small knife, swirl slightly to fill thumbprint.  Sprinkle with additional chopped cashews.  Cool completely.
Caramel Cashew Finished.jpg

<3 P.S.

 I used Ghirardelli Chocolate Caramel Squares as the caramel filling for the cookies, and unsalted roasted cashews as the nut choice.  Comment below and let me know if you make these, or tag @passionistasoul on instagram with your pictures!