Smooth Away Fine Lines

As a skin care expert, there are few products that I can say are life changers when it comes to taking care of your skin.  So when I come across one, I HAVE to share it.  HA5 Rejuvenating Hydrator by Skin Medica is one of those products.  

HA5 is a product that contains 5 types of hyaluronic acid to help hydrate and smooth the skin.  Our body produces hyaluronic acid, but by the time we turn 50 years old, we actually lose half of the amount that our body is able to produce.  Why is HA so important?  Well HA actually holds 1000xs in weight in water...which allows our skin to be hydrated and supple. As we get older, our skin becomes drier, there is a loss of firmness, and our elasticity tends to break down.  All of this leads to aging skin.  AHH!  Hyaluronic acid come back please!


Come on people, we all know aging skin is something we are desperately trying to avoid or at least slow a mere crawl if we can.  

Have no fear...HA5 is here!  HA5 works to restore the hyaluronic acid in the skin, and also helps the body to make more hyaluronic acid on its own.  The results... smoother skin with less fine lines and wrinkles.  Hydrated skin with an improved texture.  YES and YES!

I checked in with Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Michael Valdes, who claims, "It's a breakthrough technology in the use of hyaluronic acid.  They have formulated a product that does more than just sit on the surface of your skin and provide transient hydration.  It penetrates and provides a long term improvement.  Once you start to use it, it's very addicting.  It's certainly one of my wife's favorites.  All she wants for Christmas is HA5."

All you have to do it put one pump of HA5 on in the morning and one at night right before you apply your moisturizer.  Trust pump is all you need.  The consistency of the product lies somewhere between a gel and a moisturizer.  It soaks right into the skin so that you aren't left feeling greasy. (Because let's be real...we all want to be hydrated but don't want to have our makeup dripping off of us of an hour later)  

Within minutes you can see and feel an actual difference in your skin.  I applied this to the back of one of my hands to compare the difference and let me tell you...All the crepey lines on my hand plumped up in no time.  I could not believe my eyes!  

What I love about skin medica is that all of their products have undergone intensive studies and trials to make sure that they actually provide the results they are promising.  If you go to their website you can see the before and after trials of the HA5.  

This bottle retails for $178.00 and will last you about a season.  Trust me when I tell you the price is worth the buy.  ** Added bonus, HA5 also minimizes your pore size!  #moreperks

The more you use it, the more your skin improves.  As the weeks go by, your skin becomes better and better...and well...who doesn't like turning back time?  So thank you skin medica for helping to make my skin feel baby soft and smooth.  I have been able to say goodbye to a handful of fine lines and wrinkles hopefully for good!

<3 P.S. Once your bottle stops pumping, and the product seems done don't despair  Unscrew the top and look inside.  There is usually a good amount still left that the pump cannot access.  So make sure to take advantage of every last drop!