Start Your Day the Smoothie Way

If you saw my previous blog about the home delivery service Plated, you already know the craze of eliminating the need to go food shopping and instead having ingredients sent right to your door.

Some (my Mother included) would call this lazy.  I however see this as convenient, innovative, and practical.  Trust me when I tell you...this is where the future is headed.  All you have to do is sign onto any social media outlet and you will see the flood of companies who have come up with this same great concept.

So of course, as I was scrolling through my Instagram account an ad popped up for Daily Harvest:  Superfoods, super fast.  Superfoods... sounds tempting.  So curiosity got the best of me, and I checked them out.

Daily Harvest is a company that provides you with frozen ingredients to make smoothies and soups, claiming that their ingredients are picked at peak season and frozen within minutes, ensuring optimal nutrition.  I haven't tried their soups, but their smoothies caught my eye.  

See, my problem is this...breakfast.  I really don't like it. *I can hear you gasping now*  And I know that breakfast is the most important meal of the day...or so they say.  I am not a huge fan of eggs, and if you eliminate that option all you are really left with is sugary carbs: bagels, french toast, pancakes etc.  All of which leave me feeling ...well sick.

So now do you understand why a ready to blend smoothie full of organic fruits, vegetables, and superfoods was calling my name!?

I immeditaely brought this idea to my husband, who is looking to get a bit healthier himself, and we pulled the trigger.  Deliver me some health...and pronto!

Daily Harvest has 14 different smoothies to chose from.  We opted for the monthly plan which sends us 24 smoothies at $6.99 a pop, letting us chose which flavors we wanted to try.  Now this may sound a bit steep for a smoothie, but by the time you buy all organic fruits and veggies, and pack in the superfoods like Chia, Matcha, Cashews, and the like...your lookin at a pretty penny spent.

The box got delivered to us a week after we placed the order.  It was like Christmas all over again!   The cups are packed in dry ice (be careful when husband failed to pay attention to the big print of "DRY ICE DO NOT TOUCH").  

Each smoothie comes in it's own prepackaged cup.  The cup shows you the name of the smoothie, along with all of the ingredients in the cup and nutritional information.  Open the cup up, take off the plastic seal, and you can see the frozen pieces of fruits, vegetables, and super foods.  YUM!

Each smoothie will suggest which liquid base to use (coconut water or almond milk) which is NOT provided.  Fill the cup to the top with the liquid, dump into a blender or nutribullet, blend until smooth, pour back into the cup, and voila! Smoothie ready in less than 2 minutes flat.  What I also love is the lid of the cup has a built in hole for your straw, so you don't need to worry about spills.  This packing is well thought out and super functional.  #nospills #nodirtydishes

Let me tell you...the smoothies taste AMAZING.  There are different flavor profiles for everyone's likes.  And while super green smoothies aren't my favorite ones, the carrot, chia, sweet potato smoothie tastes like dessert for breakfast. *Look for future blogs on the individual smoothies and how they fair out in my taste test trials.

All in all, if you are looking for a quick, healthy, easy breakfast, look no further than Daily Harvest. Your taste buds, and love handles will be thanking you.  

Click here to get two free smoothies off of your first order!! Daily Harvest

<3 P.S. Remember how my Mom called it lazy?  She is now on the Plated and Daily Harvest train... and is loving it!