NTC: My Favorite Workout App EVER!

We all go through it...we are super pumped to workout and go to the gym.  We start off strong, maybe 3 to 4 days a week.  We jump on that bike or treadmill, maybe take a few classes.  But more often than not our workout routines go stale, and we get bored.  Which leads to us attending the gym less and less until we realize our routine has dwindled down into once a week, or maybe even becomes non existant.  Being a former personal trainer, I know first hand how challenging it can be to come up with new and exciting ways to push your body and achieve results.

Once you decide that you want to get into better shape, or at least get into a workout routine it can be daunting to figure out what exactly you should be doing.  Cardio (aka the treadmill and elliptical) are great...but to get better results, weight based and plyometric workouts are the way to go.  Some of you may be thinking... I don't know how to weight lift.  And what are plyometrics????

I have the answer to all of your workout problems: The Nike+ Training Club App.  First off let me tell you that this app is FREE.  You read that right - FREE.  There are so many different workout apps out there.  I have tried fit star, elliptical workout apps, other trainer apps, but I always come back to NTC.  

The Nike app truly is a personal trainer in your pocket.  It can customize your workout experiences based on your wants and needs.  You have the option to do individual workouts and hand pick them yourself, OR you can chose to set up a program based on 4 different options: Start Up, Lean Fit, Bodyweight Only, and Gym Strong).  

The body weight only option allows you to be able to do workouts from home without any equipment, while the gym strong does require the use of some gym equipment.  

Workouts can range from 15 minutes to 45 minutes.  If you only have time for a quick ab routine, they have the workout for you.  I personally like to alternate my workouts between the Strength and Endurance options, maximizing the gym weights and alternating with more cardio based routines.

Some of the workouts are backed by professional athletes: Simone Biles and Cristiano Rinaldo are currently featured.

Each exercise is accompanied by a video to show you how to do it.  When a new exercise pops up, the video automatically plays and is accompanied by vocal guidance and motivation.  Workouts can be time based (do this move for 30 seconds) or rep based (do 12 of this exercise).  

The workouts keep you moving, which I love.  So many times I see people in the gym do a set of reps, and then walk around, sit there, talk on the phone, check their texts.  SO. MUCH. WASTED. TIME.  With the Nike+ Training App, you workout hard, consistently, quickly, and effectively.

They are constantly updating and adding new things to their app.  You can join a community and team up with you friends.  You can get workout tricks and eating tips.  You can also shop the look!

Don't be intimidated.  You have the option of beginner, intermediate, and advanced, so there are workouts for everyone's fitness level.  Download this app and get to the gym!  Your body will thank you.

<3 P.S. 

I cannot tell you how many times people have stopped me in the gym to ask me what app I was using.  Now you all know my little secret :)