Pregnancy: The Symptoms No One Really Talks About

When you get pregnant, you are aware of the normal pregnancy symptoms that most women encounter.  You know: morning sickness, smells, food cravings etc.  You do research and try to see what you are in for so you can prepare for what to expect.  

But as my journey is continuing along, there are a few symptoms that popped up that were a complete surprise to me.  So, being the nice person that I am, I figured I would share them with you (just in case you ever find yourself pregnant and wanting to know what may happen to your body).  I am now 23 weeks along, so there may be more symptoms to come, but here is what I have unexpectedly experienced so far:

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I would say a few nights before I found out I was actually pregnant, I was tossing and turning like crazy.  I chalked this up to the fact that I was worried about actually being pregnant since I was late.  However, fast forward a few months and I'm still tossing and turning much of the night.  It turns out that yes, this is a thing.  Some women experience insomnia more so than others.  And please spare me the "oh the world is just preparing you for when the baby comes" rhetoric.  

It's not that my mind is racing, or that I'm not feeling well.  I just find that I cannot  get comfortable.  This has been happening long before my belly started to show.  But now that I am getting a little big bigger, I find that putting a pillow between my knees helps a bit.  I think I need to bust out my pregnancy pillow soon, I just feel bad boxing my husband out.  Sorry babe...the nighttime cuddle sessions might have to be put on pause for the next few months!

Body Odor

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Some might say I'm a little bit "granola".  Before I was pregnant I could get away with not really wearing deodorant, and if I did use some, it was the all-natural kind.  But once I was pregnant, that whole philosophy had to shift.  Gone were the days of throwing on a shirt and heading out the door.  My body odor was definitely in full effect.  What is happening?! Sometimes I would even shower, and immediately afterwards still feel like I smelled.  I have had to be cognizant to actually apply deodorant every single day (and yes I still use the all natural kind).  

Not to give you too much info, but you will defiantly notice that down there smells more too.  I wouldn't say bad, just stronger.  There is a lot going on these days!  Your body is going through a ton of changes which means more discharge and fluids, and more smells.  This is just another unpleasant symptom of growing a human!


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I don't think I have ever really been constipated in my life. That is until now.  Most of the articles talk about diarrhea during pregnancy.  Well it turns out you, you could be a Mom-to-be that experiences quite the opposite.  Have you ever felt like you had to go to the bathroom and pushed so hard and all that comes out is a marble sized, unimpressive poop?  All that work for that??  This happens on the daily.  Once again your body is changing, so I guess so are you bowel movements.

The thing that I have found which has been super helpful is the "tea" that my husband and I drink everyday.  If you have read my blog "One a day keeps the doctor away" you will know what I am referencing here.  I have noticed that it has made a huuuuge difference for me.  If I miss a day or don't drink it, the constipation is way worse.  Some friends say even hot water and lemon first thing in the morning will alleviate this symptom.  Try definitely works!


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Ever since I have been pregnant, this weird thing happens where you feel like you have to burp, and a lot of times you do.  But when you are at work you cannot just be letting them out all the time.  So instead, my body makes these weird noises which are a cross between your stomach making noises like its hungry and at the same time burping on the inside.  This is a horrible description, but it's loud and uncomfortable.  Being in the skin care industry, when I am working on clients and doing facials, or even applying lashes to a lash client, the noises my stomach makes are so embarrassing!

I have found that laying on my left side makes this even worse.  My usual sleep position (and ones most recommended by doctors when your pregnant) is to lay on your left side.  As soon as I do, that indigestion starts up and I'm either burping all night, or completely not feeling good.  As soon as I turn onto my right side it totally disappears.


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Now I know that this is a common pregnancy symptom, but I had to mention it because this symptom SUCKS!  I have experienced heartburn throughout my life, but not so consistently.  I got it really bad one night, and all I could do was prop myself up with pillows to try to alleviate it.  The next night I literally woke up choking on acid.  This may sound like an exaggeration, but it's no joke.  There was actual acid splashing on the back of my throat.

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My triggers seem to be late night eating, and chocolate.  If I steer clear of snacking past 8, the chances of me getting heartburn seem to lessen quite dramatically.  But even drinking water before bed makes me wake up in the middle of the night with acid fighting its way up my esophagus.  My husband actually ordered me pregnant "tums" called Tame the Flame! by Healthy Mama.  These work great.  They are mint flavored, contain no dyes, are safe for mom and baby, and really help the heartburn.  If I take one of these before bed, I am usually good to go the whole night.

I know this is all part of the magical journey of being pregnant.  And we all do our best to embrace these changes and symptoms our body is going through.  I mean don't get me wrong, I cannot wait until I can lay on my side without being uncomfortable, or when a brownie won't pain me.  And if you are in the same boat as me... hang in there!  It's a blip in time, and soon it'll all be worth the aches and pains.

<3 P.S.

Stay tuned...there are some things that happen during pregnancy that are a pleasant surprise!  I will write a post soon about the positive things that have happened in my 23 weeks thus far of being a Mom-to-be.