How to Overcome the "Groudhog Day" Scenario

After Ryker was born, and all of the visitors went home, and Jay went back to work, and real life settled in again, I experienced what I call the “Groundhog Day” conundrum. I think a lot of Mom’s go through this. For the first 3 months of Ryker’s life, I was a full-time stay at home Mom. In the beginning you are still adjusting to all of the new routines and ways of surviving as a new parent.

But then after a few months, the routines really do settle in…and it becomes a repetitive cycle. Wake up, change the baby, feed the baby, burp the baby, sit him in this chair, move him to this chair, change the baby, nap, feed the baby…etc etc.

I knew that I wasn’t going to go to back to work full time…and to all of you hard working Momma’s out there, I think it’s amazing that you can juggle the career and be the loving and caring Mom’s that you are. It just wasn’t for me (at this time anyway). BUT I knew I had to work part-time. So after Ryker turned 5 months old, I found a part-time super flexible job near my house. It has been the ideal scenario for me, and I am so grateful for the opportunity.

Let me tell you…breaking up the daily grind, and stepping back out into the world really makes a HUGE difference in your mental and physical state. You are conversing with adults, you are making yourself presentable again. I actually had to shower and put makeup on…and a cute outfit! It gave me an excuse to be ME again. And by this I mean not the Mom me…but the old me.

*There’s nothing wrong with the “Mom” me. But sometimes I do miss the old me. Ladies do you feel me here? I think this is another blog topic in itself all together.*

So I started to work part time (2-3 days a week) and I began to feel like myself again. I missed Ryker when I was gone, but I looked forward to getting out of the house and having a different kind of purpose again.

But something else started to happen. My husband is away a lot for work. And by a lot I mean, every week for at least half the time. Before baby, this was a great thing! Now…not so much. So with him gone, and work being very part-time, I noticed that the days where nothing was planned began to give me anxiety.

I would go to bed thinking, “OMG what am I going to do tomorrow?” That “Groundhog Day” scenario began to haunt me again. If I didn't have plans I would call up family members to have breakfast, lunch, or dinner. I had to make sure I had something in the calendar to break up my day…I needed something to do…something to look forward to.

The monotony was killing me. This repetitive cycle was depressing. I found myself frequenting the local Marshals just to get out of the house…and that wasn’t good for any of us (except my closet!).

Then one day, I was catching up with an old friend on the phone. I was telling him about married life, and being a Mom, and I started to share some of these feelings. And he said to me, “I think you miss being challenged everyday.” And he was so right! Being a Mom is challenging, don't get me wrong. But it’s challenging in a different kind of way. I needed to be challenged for me. I needed a pet project, something I could focus on and make my own.

So I picked up my computer and started to blog again. And my friend Kate and I started to bake for other people. And I started up my account and fashion blogging. And all of a sudden my days became so full that I didn’t have time to be concerned with the “Groundhog Day” scenario anymore. My days still consisted of spending time with my son, but also doing things that gave me inspiration, passion, and purpose.

So my best advice to you out there…is go and do it. Do it all. Fill your days, and your time. If you are a Mom and feeling like I was feeling, start a hobby or a craft. Pick up a passion project. Get into something that challenges you and brings you happiness outside of your family. This balance of finding love for yourself and your passions along with your immense love for your baby and your family will bring about a bigger sense of peace and calm at the end of the day. I can easily say these past few weeks have been some of the best yet for me. I am so excited for where this journey will take me.

I love being a multi-tasking Mom. Sometimes I wonder how we manage to do it all. We really are superwomen…each and every one of us.



Your project or hobby doesn’t have to be big. It could be a goal to read a chapter of a book a day, or trying a new recipe once a week. Start small, and grow with your passions. Grow with your interests. See what inspires you and roll with it. Gravitate towards whatever it is that makes you feel alive, and you will be surprised at what doors will open, and where you may find yourself.

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