The Story of My Other Half

Everyone has their love story. Whether it be their first love, their high school sweet heart, a partner you met later in life when you thought you were destined to be alone forever, or the love of your pet that you rescued off of the street….we all have our story.

I’m here today to share my love story. But let me start of by saying…I went through the ringer to find the “right one.” I was cheated on, multiple times, I was lied to, I was decieved…I had trust issues to say the least. But I wouldn’t change any of it, because it brought me to where I am today. Sometimes I think we need to go through all the hardships so that we learn what we want, what we don’t want, and what we deserve.

When I met my husband, I was on the outs of a 4 year relationship that was toxic. When I say toxic, I mean I found out this guy had multiple affairs from day one of meeting me. I didn’t find out until years later - which is a whole other blog in itself…moral of the story there is: If you know someone is cheating - tell the person he/she is cheating on! We all deserve to know the truth!

So as I was on the outs of this relationship, Saint Patty’s day weekend was upon us. My friend, Michele and I decided to go out in Morristown and partake in all of the festivities. We picked up some green bagels and beer, and headed to my friends house to start the day early. It was 10am, and as we were walking from the car to our destination, Michele turned to me and said, “I think you would get along really well with my friend, Jay. He is going to be at the bar today.”

“Yea, yea” I responded. I’ve heard it all before… “What color hair does he have?” (because this is a super important question to ask - sarcasm intended).

“Well that ship has sailed.”

My husband has no hair.

“Do you have a pic?”

Michele proceeded to pull up her facebook and show me some pictures of her friend. I am going to be honest here…I wasn’t immediately impressed or under impressed. I didn't really think too much about it. It was just a tiny seed she had planted in my mind.

After a few drinks, we made our way to the bar. Saint Patty’s Day in Morristown is a huge celebration. There are tons of people dressed in green, out and about, socialized and getting their drink on. Needless to say, by the time we made it to the bar we were having a great time.


Jay was there. I remember having Michele point him out. He was wearing the typical green getup, with a grey hoodie, and a backwards hat. He had his sleeves pulled up just enough that I could see his one arm was covered in tattoos. His pictures didn’t do him justice…this man was a hottie.

We all hung out throughout the day. We met up with other friends, we had shots, we laughed and danced. The day became somewhat of a blur.

Ironically enough, later in the day, I saw Jay talking to an older woman. Now this woman, was one of the girls that my ex had an affair with. I walked right up to him. “I like you” I said…feeling bold from the beers I had consumed. “But if you continue to talk to her, I will not like you anymore.”

I walked away, and surprisingly enough, he walked away from her.

At this point in time, it was 5 o’clock. Michele had done the Irish exit, and I realized that most of my friends were making their way home. It was just Jay and I. “I’d like to take you out sometime,” he said to me.

“Ok, when?” I asked.

“Right now.”

Thats right people…we went out on our first date, the first day we met. Let me tell you…it was the BEST first date I ever had. There was no anxious build up, no time to worry about what I would wear. We already had broken the ice, and were tipsy from the day. The conversation was easy, and the company was comfortable.

We decided to walk to a nearby restaurant. “What’s your sign?” I asked him.



“I have never been with a Libra before!” I had actually just read a week prior that one of my most compatible love signs was a Libra, and I had yet to date one. Was this a sign? No pun intended.

Our dinner was amazing, and in the middle of it a thought went through my head - “I could marry this man.” Which was followed up by another thought, “You don’t even know him, stop sounding so crazy.”

“Do you want to get married?” he asked me.

“Umm yes eventually…definitely one day.”

“No I mean right now,” he said tongue and cheek.

I guess our minds were definitely on the same page. He just had the balls to actually say out loud what he was thinking.

After dinner, we headed to another bar where we met up with his Brother and sister in law. Yup, meeting the family on the first day of knowing each other. It was 10pm now. My phone had died, but that didn’t phase me. I honestly didn't have a care in the world except getting to know this person.

I used his phone to call my Dad to come pick me up because he was in Morristown. So yes, Jay met my Dad and Michelle (my Dad’s girlfriend) that day too.

That day changed my life. It made me put bad things behind me, and it opened up my future to a whole new world.

Jay and I got engaged 6 months later, and we have been married for over 4 years now.

Before I met Jay, I was in a not so great place. I was in a horrible relationship. I wanted love and laughter in my life. I wanted a family. I wanted to start this next chapter but I didn’t know if or how I was ever going to get there. I was feeling pressure from family and friends, and most of all from myself. But in the few months before meeting my husband, I started to change my thought process.

Have you ever heard of The Secret? What you think, you project out into the world, and it comes true? I started to switch my mindset. I started to project that I will get married, that I will find love, instead of feeling sad and anxious wondering why it wasn’t happening. And guess what….it did. You hear of these stories about people running into each other and finding love. My Dad always told me one day I would turn a corner and BOOM that would be it.

Well my story is one day, I walked into a bar…



What is your love story? I would love to hear how you met your SO. Comment below!