Date Nights at Home

Lets be real…date night once you become parents takes effort. Typically they are few and far between, especially during that first year of raising your tiny human. They always say, make sure you get a sitter and go out with your spouse once a month minimum…once a week ideally! Unless you have family nearby, finding a reliable sitter (esp. when your baby is an infant) is really hard - not to mention being there to manage the whole schedule of bedtime, feedings, yada yada yada.

I do want to stress that I think date nights are SO important. I made my husband promise me that once we had kids we would still travel once a year alone. Why? Because keeping that connection and that fire alive is imperative. Having time with just your partner HAS to happen. Someone gave me advice a long time ago. They said : “At the end of the day, your kids will grow up, they will leave the house, and it’s going to be you and your husband again.” But before that happens, if we don’t keep focusing on our relationship with each other, when the time comes to be alone again, we might not even know one another anymore.

But how do we make these date nights happen? Besides getting a sitter and having a night out on the town, I discovered a company a few months ago that I really wanted to try. And this month I finally did! It is called Date Night In a Box. The concept is pretty straight forward: They send you a date night in a box once a month, delivered to your door. It contains all the fixings to create your own special date night at home: no sitter required, no extra money dished out. Just you and your SO in the comforts of your own home, sharing a special night.

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I was SOOOO excited to get my first box. The theme was dine and dance. I have to say this box was right up our alley. It contained all the ingredients to make homemade pizza, a guide for conversation questions over dinner, a mini game like categories that we could play together, and a link to a dance instructor who teaches you three different dances! I have been asking Jay for dancing lessons for years! (He did finally get them for me for our anniversary, but a week later, we found out we were pregnant so i never got to cash in on that gift).

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Jay loves to cook, and he loves pizza, and I love conversation and dancing, so this was the perfect blend of things we love. I like that this forced us to set aside time for each other. It made us try new things, create some new memories, laugh and enjoy each others company. It is so easy to get caught up in the daily grind of our kids, work, chores…you know how it goes. Sometimes you just have to say STOP! Focus on each other, look around you, and appreciate all the love you have to give.

Thank you Date Night in a Box for helping us to focus on US again. I cannot wait to see what next month will bring!



I am a partner with Date Night in a Box, but I would never post or promote anything I didn’t enjoy or believe in. I had seen this company months ago, and was fortunate enough to have them want to work with me. I was beyond ecstatic because I though their concept was amazing! You can check out their boxes here.

**They also offer Kids night In a Box, which is the same concept but they offer a fun night planned with the kids!