Don't Wish It Away

My Mother always tells me that when I was a little girl, I was the kind of kid who was always wondering what was coming next. I could be at the park playing in the sunshine and all I could ask was where are we going after this??  What are we doing later??

As a Mother, I find myself thinking these sorts of thoughts with Ryker.  I couldn’t wait until he slept through the night, I couldn’t wait until he could crawl, I couldn’t wait until he could walk... I can’t wait until he can talk!

These exciting milestones come and go all too quickly. Sleeping through the night has been a blessing, but looking back on when my little nugget would lay on my chest and sleep for hours seems like ages ago.  Those daytime snuggles would melt my heart!

I used to think that I couldn’t wait until he could crawl and walk. My husband would always say, “I don’t know why you are wishing for this!  It’s going to be much more challenging once he is mobile!”  It’s going to be fine! I would reply as I was trying to guide Ryker into his first steps. 

Today, Ryker is babbling and pointing and talking to us in his own language. It’s the cutest and most hilarious phase thus far.  Seeing him understand and process things and communicate them to us is a whole new world.. and a fascinating one at that. But I still find myself saying, “I can’t wait until he can talk!”

The thing is, all of these moments and phases fly by. They are here and gone in a blink of an eye. It feels like forever that our kids don’t sleep through the night, or they are teething, or learning to crawl. But really it happens so quickly that it becomes a distant memory faster than you think. 

My client told me the other day that her main regret while being a mother was not enjoying the phases she was in. She was always wishing for the next phase to come and that she never soaked in and appreciated all that was in front of her. 

So I’m here to tell you (and to remind myself) not to wish it away.  Those milestones are coming, and there is no turning back.  Ryker is going to start talking sooner than later and though it’s going to be a new phase that will probably bring more laughter than we could imagine, this babbling phase will be gone.  Soak up every single moment mamas, try to enjoy every step of this journey and stay present with where you are at right now. Time flies and soon you will be looking back wondering how it all passed so quickly. 



What was your favorite phase? Are there moments that you just wish you could get back? In all honestly I just want to freeze time right now. I don’t want Ryker to get any bigger, and I want him to stay in this cute toddler exploring stage forever!