How I Started Blogging

A lot of people ask me how I got into this whole blogging lifestyle. It’s funny because when I was born, I had my chart done, and it was written in the stars that I was going to become a writer of some sort. It may have taken me some time to get here, but here I am! Living out my foreseen destiny!

I honestly can’t remember what exactly made me start writing a blog. I had some ideas of topics I wanted to share, and I decided maybe I should put it down on paper. I have always felt that writing is a good way for me to communicate my feelings. If Jay and I are ever in a serious argument, I find writing it down allows me to get my feelings across in a more effective way. I also tend to love to share whatever it is I am passionate about. If i love something, you will most definitely know about it! My love for sharing, and my ability to write with ease were the two main reasons I decided to give blogging a go.

I’ve had Passionista Soul for almost 5 years now, and I remember sitting on the couch with Jay trying to come up with a name for this blog. At the time, my blog had nothing to do with fashion. I had no idea that it would ever take this turn. I just wanted to share the things I wanted to voice: my everyday life thoughts that seemed important. Passion seemed to resonate with me, and after tossing ideas around Passionitsa Soul was born. I loved it because it represents all things I feel so deeply for…the things in life that excite me and get me fired up! The passions that ignite my soul!

i started writing with the few ideas that I had in mind. I was so nervous to actually publish my very first blog! But I also loved every minute of it. Blogging was an outlet, a way for me to be creative, and to share things with anyone that was interested in hearing my stories!

If you have been following me for a long time, you can see that my blog has taken many different turns throughout the years, as has my life. For a while, my blog became solely about baking and my escapades in the kitchen.

Then, I got pregnant.

My Mom thought that this was the perfect thing for me to blog about. “You have so much you can talk about and share!! Why aren’t you writing about it all?”

The truth is, once I got pregnant, I lost all motivation to write. I’m not sure if it was because I was tired, or I felt like pregnancy blogs were overdone. I wrote a couple of blogs in the beginning, and then I completely stopped.

Passionista Soul went dark for over a year.

Mom life was happing, and time was slowly creeping by, and speeding up so fast. I’m not sure if you have ever heard of the expression, “The days are long, but the years are short?” Well thats exactly how mom life is. There were so many adjustments happening, and changes going on, and my emotions were all over the place! I was learning and coping, surviving, and googling. I was loving being a Mom, but I was tired, and I was alone (refer to blog: Married to a Travelin’ Man")

Then it hit me. I needed to write again. So that day, I took out my computer out and I decided I had something to say.


I picked up my blogging again. It was a slow and steady progression. At this time, my written blog was my only outlet. My Instagram was full of cookie photos and I had not considered making my Instagram a driving force for my blog itself. But i was getting emails about affiliate programs such as and Amazon Influencing. If you are unfamiliar, is an affiliate program that you have to apply for. Once accepted, you can post shoppable photos and make a commission on every item someone buys through your links.

Back in the day, was a coveted blogger platform. Rumor had it that it wasn’t easy to accepted. If you were denied, you had to wait 3 months to build up your Instagram and try again. My blog and isntagram weren’t fashion based. I had no home decor. There was no reason why would have wanted me to be a part of their team. However, I had nothing to lose.

I filled out the application and hit send. A few days later I was accepted! I was honestly shocked. Now what?? I messaged some of my blogger friends, got the insight on how the platform works, and thought it might be a good idea to post some clothing photos.

From there, Passionista Soul evolved into a fashion, lifestyle, and motherhood blog. My Instagram is heavily based in fashion, but my blog is mainly lifestyle and motherhood - everything that makes me, me.

Through a lot of trial and error, learning, exploring, and evolving, my blog continues to grow every single day. It challenges me, it ignites a creative and driven side of me, and it gives me something that is solely mine. The blogger world is intense. It is hard work, more than anyone would ever know. It is catty, and supportive all at the same time. However, it has given me back a piece of myself that I had tucked away when I became a Mother, and for that I am forever grateful.



Stay tuned for blogs geared towards helping other bloggers start and grow their businesses. Is there anything specific you would like me to cover?? Comment below!!!